
By clicking on this link, you will be redirected to an online registration site hosted by the SBC (Sociedade Brasileira de Computação). Please follow this link if you are or want to become a SBC member.

Before 14/Aug After 14/Aug
Undergrad SBC member R$ 65 R$ 80
Undergrad + SBC R$ 85 R$ 100
Undergrad no SBC member R$ 92 R$ 108
Postgraduate SBC member R$ 120 R$ 150
Postgraduate + SBC R$ 200 R$ 230
Postgraduate no SBC member R$ 212 R$ 245
Professional SBC member R$ 300 R$ 400
Professional + SBC R$ 510 R$ 610
Professional no SBC member R$ 540 R$ 650
The registration system will be open until the last day of the event.
However, payments by debit and billet will be closed on 10/25/2018, these forms of payment may take up to 48 hours to process, in order to avoid not processing any payment, we leave this window until the start of the event. We will leave open the payments by credit card, note of commitment and billing. The subscribers can make the payment by the system in the forms quoted or in kind in the secretariat of the event. It would be important to put this information on the event website.